Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Krisis Keuangan 1997, 2008 berkaca pada Malaysia

Krisis 1997 telah memberi kesadaran dan permulaan perubahan atau rombakan kewangan yang boleh mempengaruhi sistem riba kewangan dunia. Setiap perubahan memerlukan kefahaman mendalam tentang apa yang kita coba nilaikan semula. Maka perbahasan dalam kegawatan ekonomi perlu ditumpukan kepada persoalan asas tentang hakikat wang dan sistem kewangan sekarang yang telah jelas gagal membawa kestabilan kerana sistem yang ada semakin menampakkan sifat spekulatif sahaja. Dalam hal perubahan ini Kerajaaan malaysia telah mula mencabar sistem riba dengan menyeru supaya diharamkan jual-beli mata wang.



e-dinar is an internet based electronic payment and exchange system that facilitates transactions which are 100 per cent backed by physical gold and silver.

Catatan khusus:

The chief features of the Bretton Woods system were an obligation for each country to adopt a monetary policy that maintained the exchange rate of its currency within a fixed value—plus or minus one percent—in terms of gold and the ability of the IMF to bridge temporary imbalances of payments. In the face of increasing strain, the system collapsed in 1971, following the United States' suspension of convertibility from dollars to gold. This created the unique situation whereby the United States dollar became the "reserve currency" for the nation-states which had signed the agreement

1944-1960 fixed relationship of the dollar to gold ($35 an ounce),
1961 fixed relationship of the dollar to gold ($35 an ounce), JFK
1962 fixed relationship of the dollar to gold ($40 an ounce), JFK
1963 fixed relationship of the dollar to gold ($35 an ounce), JFK

1968 a system where the enforcement mechanism floated by some means, which would be set by either fiat, or by a restriction to honor foreign accounts, LB Jhonson

1971 it had a reserve deficit of $56 billion; as well, it had depleted most of its non-gold reserves and had only 22% gold coverage of foreign reserves. In short, the dollar was tremendously overvalued with respect to gold, Richard Nixon


Wallahu 'Alam B.

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